About Me

One of the many ways I see myself is as a representation of perception. My perception of life, people, art, music, religion, politics, global warming, money, sex, love, family and every experience in my life, can be viewed only though my mind’s eyes only. I believe the relation of perceptions occur when people are able relate to or identify with each other through similar experiences. Even then there can be difference individual responses. For example, siblings grow up in the same home environment, are taught the same values and morals, and can grow up to be entirely different adult individuals.
This blog is intended to give people a platform to express their views or perspectives on different topics. People can present their perceptions openly by agreeing with others or agreeing to disagree. The goal is to make this a learning blog, so make each interaction a learning experience.  My goal is to create a blog for people to share and respect each other’s perspectives along with gaining a learning experience.
I am no expert on any given topic; I simply know something about some things. Because my opinions are based on my knowledge and experience, I believe it is important to have an open mind to help broaden my perspective. An open mind allows me to learn new information, to get rid of wrong information and to tweak existing information.