Thursday, May 9, 2013

How to Stop Worrying

Worrying is a human condition, as a result we have the tendency to worry about life rather than living life. We worry about the pass, the future, ourselves, and what people think about us. Worrying is also our interpretation of life circumstances and situations. When faced with problems we either view our problems as defeats, in turn, we become overwhelmed with thoughts of everything that could go wrong; or we view our problems for what they really are a part of life when stuff happens. Worrying should be replaced with concern; we should be concern about our problems rather than worry, concern tends to propel us to act or take action. When face with problems where there are no actions to take, then let the inevitable happen and it too shall pass.
Difference between Concern and Worry

Worry causes us emotional turmoil and rob us of our peace of mind, worrying has lead to nervous breakdowns, illness, and suicide. When the body and mind is subject to the pressures of worrying there are physiological breakdowns that occurs, in turn, people are unable to eat, sleep, think or function properly. In comparison, concern allows us to think clearly about our problems and avoid being bombarded by what we think can go wrong. Instead we are concern about finding solutions to our problems and we can calmly think of ideas or a plan of action to take. When worrying we are in a state of constant panic which causes us to make impulsive or un-rational decisions that are wrong in most cases. Being concern is a calmer approach to life problems.
 Problems Out of Our Control
Obviously we cannot fix every problem that life throws at us; however, we sometimes have to make life adjustments. We hear of the many stories where people were miraculously able to continue living a fulfilling life after facing a number of horrific events.  The common factor in these stories are the strong beliefs of the individuals involved. Their beliefs are usually grounded from within; they overlook their situations and circumstance and focus on their capability or capacity from within to overcome life problems. These individuals live life with great courage and persistence.
What It Takes to Stop Worrying
The funny thing is we all possess the courage and persistence required to overcome life problems; the problem is we may not believe that we do. Awareness of our thoughts and how our thoughts affect our lives can enable us to take control of our minds. Being aware allows us to let negative thoughts drift in and out of our minds and to let positive thoughts become our main focus. Control of our minds in my opinion means controlling our interpretations of life situations and circumstances, and controlling our capability or capacity to move forward in life despite the problems that come along. 
Knowing and understanding the power of thought reveals the importance of thinking positive in order to stop worrying. We usually do not know the answers to the how, why, and when of problems, but if we do everything we can possibly do, it is important to remember no matter what happens everything usually turns out to be okay.         

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