Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Power of Thought

A common quote from the bible associated with the power of thought is “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” The power of thought has been illustrated in miracles of healing, as a result, physicians today have a clearer understanding of the importance of positive thinking during the recovery stages of their patients. Physicians now recognized the success or outcome of treatments also depends on the mindset of their patients. What we think about ourselves and others directly and indirectly impact our lives, our thoughts can manifest into our reality. It is important to understand the power of thought including what thoughts are prominent in our minds and are those thoughts positive or negative.

We are what we think about because thoughts can become reality. For example, confidence is a reflection of what a person thinks about his or her self. Confidence is evident in a person’s attitude and behavior (side note, over confidence can be personality complex). Another example is persistence, persistence is a reflection of what a person thinks about the importance of trying and not giving up. Persistence is evident in a person’s motivation to keep trying despite the challenges and obstacles.

Our thoughts affect our moods, emotions, feelings, and action. Thoughts are like invisible heads that sticks out our necks constantly whispers in our ears, and pull and tug on our hearts. Our thoughts never leave us and are always active in our minds. For this reason, we need to learn how to coexist with our thoughts by understanding thoughts can be deceiving. Have you ever panic about something and it turned out to be not as serious as you thought? Well, our thoughts can be misleading if we are not paying attention to what we are thinking. It is important to observe thoughts as they enter the mind; pay attention to the effects of thoughts on moods, emotions, feelings, and action; and to unbiasedly rationalize our thinking.

Take action to do the things that would make yourself and others feel loved and happy. Allow positive thoughts to be the focus and negative thoughts to leave the mind not becoming the focus. Pay attention to thoughts considering they can be deceiving or misleading by unbiasedly rationalizing thoughts. Understanding the power of thought is essential when learning how to coexist with our thoughts. We impact our reality through thoughts; therefore what we think can make or break us. Our relationship with thoughts should be harmonious in order to master our thinking. Life viewed through the mind-eye is reflected in our moods, emotions, feelings, and action, therefore be an observer of thoughts in order to understand the power of thought.

1 comment:

  1. Very well written. Thank you for sharing your insight. In your last paragraph, I'd like to add that as you allow for more positive thoughts to enter your life, positive energy will build momentum and I believe this accumulated positive energy actually insulates you from negative energy.
