Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Power of Human of Energy

No one really knows exactly what energy is but it is known that energy exists because without energy life simply would not exist. There are many forms of energy, but the most mentioned forms discussed in academic and scientific studies are kinetic, potential, and radiant energy. Historically, the concept of energy derived from the idea of a living force, the energy force that is responsible for the activity of matter. When people think about energy they most think about the types of energy commonly utilized, such as gas, fuel, electricity, solar, and mechanical energy. When I think of energy I think of the human energy system particularly the energy forces that activate emotions. I believe emotions are survival instincts, for example, stress particularly fear initially served as a survival instinct for protection.   
Natural energy or the forces of nature are clearly evident, demonstrated, and recognized in the effects of the wind, lightening, electricity, and static. However, the force of human nature are clearly evident and demonstrated in human behavior and interaction, but is still lagging behind in areas of recognition; recognition as far as being the energy forces of social, personal, and individual behavior and interaction. Science has identified human energy as waves of vibrations surrounding the body, and electromagnetic activity in the brain. I believe emotion including feelings and moods, which are physiological responses to the interpretation of life events and situations, is the core of the human energy system. The energy forces of emotion are demonstrated in the feelings and moods we allow to determine our outlook on life.

Energy is an unknown element invisible to the natural eye, but the effects of energy are known and generally visible to the natural eye. The effects of energy in the human body are one of nature’s many fascinations, yet it is taken for granted in human behavior and interaction. Maybe this is a result of the limits of science; we cannot directly observe energy, so energy by itself cannot be scientific. The effects of energy however cannot be denied; therefore the focus is on the effects of energy rather than on energy itself. 

As stated previously, stress particularly fear initially served as a survival instinct, today stress has become a silent killer to human natural well-being. I believe stress drains the human energy systems for which it depletes the immune systems leading to illnesses and diseases. Think about the energy it takes for mothers who can lift a van or can to protect her child in response to the fear of her child being killed. This is a perfect example of the limitless power of energy, it is sometimes unexplainable.  
I like to define energy as the unseen source of all existence. With the advancement of science and technology psychologists and researchers can now observe the electromagnetic activity of the brain’s cellular neurons and protons. But like everything else in life, with the exception of energy, everything has its limits. It is crucial that we not only pay attention to the effects of energy but also to energy itself.  Acknowledging the limitless power of energy itself will change your emotional outlook on life.

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