Friday, June 7, 2013

If There Is A God, Where Is God?

 If there is a God why are people suffering in the world? If there is a God why do good or innocent people die? If there is God why do bad people succeed? If there is a God why do natural disasters kill? These are the questions asked when looking for evidence of a good God. On the other end of the spectrum is, there is a God in the nature surrounding us; there is a God in the miracles of birth and healing; there is a God in the survival of encountering death; there is a God when the unexpected happens These are the statements made when acknowledging there is a God. Some people believe in God, some people believe there is no such thing as God. Either way the unknown element known as energy or what I think most refer to as God, does exist everywhere and is in every living thing.
As you read this please keep in mind my views are based on my perception. I believe the unknown energy source, that is everywhere and in every living thing is what people refer to as God, along with Ala, Buddha, Mohammed, Evolution, Extraterrestrial, and every other religious and non religious belief the societies of the world hold. Religion is a term use to classify societies many different beliefs of a Higher Divine and Powerful Being. God is the religious term most commonly use to identify the unknown source of energy.

The unknown energy source referred to as God is everywhere and in every living thing. People have the tendency to believe God is a separate entity in the sky, when in fact we are all connected to one unknown energy source or one God regardless of the many different world religions. We cannot help but notice that there is something bigger than us through life events and nature; it is undeniable that there is a supreme power or being.
Some people expect God to come down and make all the bad things in the world go away, so they may ask if there is a God, where is God. Well we all have the free will to do as we choose; as a result we have created the world we live in. It is unrealistic to expect an entity from the sky to come and save us from ourselves when we have the energy or God given power of thought, emotions, perception, and the tools of science which fully equips us to save ourselves. Michael Jackson said it best when he said, if you want to make a change start with the man in the mirror.

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